Saturday, June 10, 2006

First Day of the World Cup

The long wait is over. After months of waiting on broken bones and torn ligaments finally the greatest show on earth has begun. The opening ceromony was done with all true German efficiency and now it was time for the football to finally take centre stage.
First up, came Germany against Costa Rica. Surely this would be a win for the Germans I had thought, but after seeing the Germans concede some very soft goals againt Japan and Italy in the pre match build up I was not so sure. The game kicked off and Germany gor off to the perfect start. Philip Lahm picked the ball up after Danny Fonseca's slip, and
, almost without looking, unleashed a stunning curling strike from distance to get the games underway. No goalkeeper in the world could have saved it and it looked as though we were in for a rout. However just 6 minutes later Paolo Wanchope, formerly of Manchester City, collected a through ball from Ronald Gomez and calmly sidefooted past Jens Lehman in the German goal. Wanchope had at first appeared to be offside yet replays showed that Wanchope had timed his to perfection.
These first few opening exchanges showed that, if nothing else these two teams lacked any kind of defensive solidarity. It will be interesting to see how Germany do in this world cup as they have a habit of always doing well with an unfancied team yet, they dont seem nearly as organised as past German teams and I fancy Englands chances against them.
Eventually the game ended 4-2 to Germany but i think the main thing to come out of this game is how much the ball moves. It swerves this way and that and really looks like a goalkeepers nightmare.



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